Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Donut Party!

Welcome back Dave, Heather and Jonathan!

We had a good turnout & excellent time of fellowship at last Friday's cg meeting . Why?

1) Suyin led us through a wonderful time of worship with upbeat/moving songs like "Hosanna", "All the way my Savior leads me" and "As We Worship You".
2) Kevin, on the back of July Mission Month, guided us through the study of Genesis 12:1-9, making us reflect on the pure faith and obedience of Abraham and encouraging us to use our gifts and resources as a CG to bless other people.
3) We celebrated the birthdays of July babies, Lifen and Chris, with yummy donuts!!

Hope everyone had a good time, I did =)

Group picture!

Fannie, Heidi and Lifen

July Birthday babies!

Stephanie, Suyin and Heather

Stephanie and Jiayee