Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 2009 Schedule

Sun 5 April - CG lunch
Fri 10 April - Good Friday, no CG
Sat 11 April - Bishan Blood Drive, 11.30am, Bishan North CC
Fri 17 April - CG BS (NOOMA Dust DVD) @ Zhenghui & Renzi's place
Fri 24 April - CG BS (NOOMA DVD) @ Zhenghui & Renzi's place

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Easter Blood Drive! 11 April 09

Two female brave souls from our cg gave their blood for charity at our first Easter Blood Drive! Kudos to Bernice & Hongmei! Pictures as evidence:

Bloodmobile@ Bishan North CC

Bernice filling in her form

Hongmei, the super calm & cool donor

Give blood & drink Milo!

We will make this a yearly event in future as part of Easter outreach. Do invite your friends!

"In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love." - Mother Theresa of Calcutta