Friday, July 28, 2006

Combined CG gathering

We had a great time of makan, fellowship, catching up with each other tonight at our Combined CG gathering. Was blessed as we worshipped and gave God the praise and glory for who He is and how He has lead us as CGs thus far. Reminded me of His hand in guiding us these past 2.5 years. Also was greatly encouraged by sharings from Amilyn, Eddie and Hongmei, to see and hear that what we seek to be in CG makes a difference. Tim and Wenxing shared about how the Lord has been guiding the CGs the past 2-3 months, and what lies ahead this year. We ended the time with sharing and praying in pairs (1 from each CG), and also praying for Wenxing and Nat as they continue and commit to serve as CGLs this year and beyond. May God continue to bless and grow them as leaders to lead with passion, vision, and love.

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